Montreal’s go-to live event artist since 2017.

I am known for my exceptional painting & drawing skills, my timeless calligraphy style, and of course my ability to execute both quickly in front of an audience. I would love to work with you to bring your vision to life, spoil your clients, and create a memorable, buzz-worthy event.


Reasons we should work together


8 Years of Live Event Experience

10+ Years of Professional Artistic Experience

Hundreds of Events Worked

Over 300 Students have learned about live event artistry from me

Trusted by 50+ Luxury Brand Clients

Established track record of increasing revenue for my Clients

Let’s work together!

Fill in the Contact Form and tell me all about your next Creative Project! (…You can also totally tell me about your favourite red wine, which episode of Queer Eye made you cry the most, or you can also just send me a photo of your dog) (In fact, please do that last one - attachments can be sent to!)
